ways to helP


The only way we can help make this tour the most incredible experience for the boys is to raise funds to help buy the necessary kit and migitate some of the tour expenses.

If we manage to cover those costs, any extra money will go to tour excursions - previously this has meant taking the boys on Safari or on a high-speed thrilling seeking boat ride.

It really is the difference between going and enjoying the trip - and the great thing is that everyone can help - no excuses.

You might know someone who sponsor an element of the tour or who can donate something to help raise money.

If not you can just come to an event, and who knows you may even have a nice time!!

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sponsorship options

As with all school tours, we are reliant on companies who are willing to sponsor elements of the tour. We have lots of different sponsorship options - designed to allow any companies (no matter how big or small) to get involved and ensure that the tour, and the boys get the tour their efforts deserve


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fundraising events

You can also help by joining us at one of our various events.  The events tend to be a great chance to cathc up with friends - old and new, with opportunites to help even more by joining with with the various raffles and auctions. We have been lucky enough to given away iPads as well as auction off some unique lots - a game of Premiership rugby as guest of World Cup Winner Louis Moody anybody?  There will be lots of different events - from the formal City Dinner through to trips to the West End to watch world class theatre.

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prize donation

One of the key ways we are able to raise money is through our raffles and auctions at the various events. We've already managed to secure some amazing prizes- anything from unique experiences to signed shirts through to incrediblly generous holidays. Everything is donated for free - and that relies the genorosity of you and the people you may know - the more we have the more we raise, so please help us by making a donation -anything from a bottle of Wine for raffle to anything for auction.



supporter options

Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to become a sponsor, but we want to make this as inclusive as possible and allow everyone to help out - from sending the boys your good luck messages through to donating cash to some tour 'extras' - every penny counts and will allow us to put on some free excursions for the boys.